In the digital age, where screens and gadgets dominate our lives, we believe in returning to the tangible and the real- the irreplaceable experience of flipping through a printed magazine. Dalma Magazine serves as a portal to a world where we rediscover the pleasure of enjoying art and fashion more enduringly, reconnecting with the physical.
Welcome to Dalma Magazine, where fashion comes to life and we eagerly look forward to many more years of setting new trends and creating unforgettable moments.
Gift cards can be used at Dalma Garden Mall stores, as well as at entertainment areas and for services, which makes it a perfect gift for any occasion. A Gift Card of 10,000-2,000,000 AMD can be obtained from Customer Service Center of Dalma Garden Mall, Evocabank branches or can be ordered online: the card is valid for 6 months starting from the date of purchase. By the way, Online Banking service is also available for the gift card. Now you can purchase a Dalma gift card online as well!